There is something extremely therapeutic about painting your own lightning storm! Maybe it’s because I’ve always had a love for storms. Lightning is such an awe inspiring part of nature. Or perhaps it’s the element of being in control of creating such a beautiful phenomena that happens in only a split second.
Harvest Moon Path
Learn to paint a path in a park under fall trees with two lampposts and a harvest moon in the sky! I would love to take a stroll down this park and smell the crisp fall air! It looks like it might have rained and cleared.
Boo Letters
This is a super fun halloween painting! You can customize letters and different Halloween objects. It’s also a fun one to do with the kids!
How To Paint Trees with a Fan Brush
This is a mini tutorial demonstrating how to paint “silhouette trees” with a fan brush. This technique is applied in a lot of my tutorials that have these kinds of trees!
Hot Air Balloon Sunset
Learn to paint a pretty sunset sky with silhouettes of hot air balloons and a tree skyline! This painting makes for a great first time painting!
Pumpkin Patch
Learn how to paint two pumpkins with a faux wood fence background. This is a great painting to display for Fall and Halloween!
Christmas Truck
Paint a red truck with a Christmas Tree in the back! This is a fun painting you can display every year during the holiday season!
Pumpkin Truck
This is a popular SBSP Design! The turquoise truck with the gray background is a beautiful color combination. This tutorial makes a great first time truck painting!
Snow Globe Family
Customize your snow family in this fun globe painting! Learn how to “dry brush” the glass to give it that glass effect.