Learn how to paint a bouquet of red roses in a round glass vase. This painting tutorial demonstrates a basic technique for painting simple, abstract roses.
Bonus Tutorial – Western Floral Boots
Learn how to paint a boot with a customizable colored background. Paint an arrangement of roses and sunflowers with a fall color palette.
This tutorial comes with a PDF download, traceable templates optimized for different canvas sizes and a 54 minute video demonstration.
Tropical Hibiscus Painting Easy Simple
Learn to paint an easy and simply tropical hibiscus with acrylics on a square canvas.
Bonus Tutorial – Tropical Floral Wreath
Learn how to paint a pretty tropical floral wreath step by step! The wreath has a variety of different leaves and tropical flowers. This tutorial includes a 45 minute instructional video, template for the lettering and full detail picture steps & directions. You can also download a PDF copy of this tutorial!
Basic Leaf Painting Techniques
This “mini tutorial” is exclusive to the membership!
It includes a 22 minute video of Tracie demonstrating four different leaf techniques you can do with a round brush. Learn an in depth approach to how to load the paint, mix different greens on your palette and how to do different brush strokes to create different styles of leaves in your paintings.
Floral Vase Painting
Beginner painting tutorial that demonstrates various floral and leaf techniques. Learn how to paint a spring bouquet of flowers in a large glass vase.
Yellow Rain Boots & Tulips
Learn how to paint yellow rain boots with pretty pink tulips on a rainy day! This painting has somewhat of a challenge to it because of the shading in the boots and the tulips.
Blue Daisy
Learn how to create a super simple flower painting with blue petals and a gray background.
Garden Fence Painting
This is a beginner painting tutorial of a white picket fence with beautiful pink roses and hyacinth (or lavender). And there is a cute dragonfly hanging out above the garden!